Thursday, June 30, 2011

Egg and Cheese Sandwich

This is egg and cheese made over. I was definitely craving something with egg today, and luckily just went to the grocery store. At first, I wasn't going to make this post, because I was really hungry and wanted to devour the sandwich right away; but after I plated, it looked so pretty sitting there. The deep red color of the romaine and bright hues of arugula and mizuna contrasted so wonderfully. This is probably the prettiest sandwich I've ever made. That's all I have to say about that.

What's in it:
-thin whole wheat bagel, egg, salt, oregano, paprika, chedder + jalapeno + roasted red bell pepper cheese spread, red romaine, arugula, mizuna



  1. cookographer = baller

  2. Please, please, please make me something.....anything....i'm sick of eating out. =(

    I went through your entire blog today, trying to convince myself to step into my kitchen...but alas...I failed, and ate chipotle. sigh.
    You're amazing.
