Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Flank Steak with Parsnip Puree

Flank steak is a great cut of meat; it's cheap, quick to make, and extremely versatile. I've been protein loading my husband and flank has proven to be a favorite. This was a fast weeknight meal that I threw together in about 30 minutes! I had some parsnips in the fridge that desperately wanted to be cooked. I pureed the parsnip with some oil, S&P, smoked paprika, and garlic. I seared the steak to mid-rare with a rub of cumin, salt, and pepper; and sliced  up some green tomatoes (which I wanted to fry but ate raw because I was hungeeee!) 3 easy steps and voila! Dinner time! You can do it too!

What's in it:
-flank steak, S&P, cumin, parsnip, garlic powder, smoked paprika, green tomato

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