Sunday, December 19, 2010

Chipotle-Lime Egg White Omelette

 Let's get away from the dessert-y breakfast items. This here is an omelette. It's versatile, it's easy, it's filling. Need I say more? The omelette is the basic food item anyone should be able to make, regardless of your culinary skill, gender, or ethnicity. Yes, even boys can make them. I don't like using yolk...ever. A) That's like wayyy too much cholesterol, B) yolk somehow gives me acid reflux, C) I don't like yellow omelettes...they look fake. So I dump the yolk and use the whites only.
The key to getting delicious and fluffy omelettes is shown to the left. If your egg batter doesn't look like that, don't bother. You need all those bubbles on top because that means you've incorporated air into the batter. The more air = more fluff. Simple? Wonderful. To get to that consistency, you have to use a fork or a whisk (something that has holes and can let air through), and you gotta beat it for a couple minutes reaaaalllyyy quickly. It's all in the wrist. You shouldn't be using your elbow or arm. Anyhow, you're probably still weirded out by the lime. LIME IN EGGS? WHAT?! You heard right. The lime gives the eggs this amazingly, wondrous, and moist flavor; and it's the
                                                                                     perfect bed fellow for the sharp chipotle sting.

What's in it:
-egg whites, salt, cracked black pepper, powdered chipotle pepper, garlic powder, lime juice


1 comment:

  1. you really seem to like breakfast food, and chipotle stuff, and throwing in one random thing that doesn't seem to belong with the rest of everything...

    but i'll take your word for it about the taste
