Sunday, December 19, 2010

Cranberry Orange Muffins

Saadia was my inspiration for these, because she wanted me to re-create the ones from Starbucks. They're kind of difficult to get juuuuust right. It's hard to get the right amount of moisture in them, because the smallest error can cause them to become drier than anticipated. I've made them a couple times before, but they haven't been just perfect yet. The trick with these is to add the right kind of orange juice to the batter. It can't be pulpy or too bitter or too sweet. Simply Orange is a good one. DON'T try Minute Maid...that's too sour. Also, using dried cranberries versus fresh ones is better. Fresh cranberries tend to lose moisture when baked.    
I'll get these right one day.

What's in it:
-flour, baking powder, salt, butter, eggs, milk, orange zest, orange juice, dried cranberries, sugar


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