Thursday, July 7, 2011

Chicken Nuggets

These lovely chicken nuggets were made in part by the even more lovely Maheen Khan. I gotta say, she's an awesome sous chef! Anyhow, this was a treat for my post MCAT practice exam hangover. Great company + great food + sytycd = cure. These tiny treats are stupidly easy to make; it takes less than 10 minutes to prepare, and about 20 minutes to bake. And the best part is that there is nearly zero cleanup! Thank God for aluminum foil. Making nuggets is a fairly simple process, requiring minimal ingredients. The most important thing is to make sure your chicken is defrosted completely before preparing them. Also, make sure you have enough eggs! I only had 1 egg on hand, and ran out of it before I could finish dredging every piece. So I improvised with some olive oil, which isn't the best idea, but it's all I could do. Basically, you cover your chicken in flour, dip that in the egg, and then cover in bread crumbs. Here, I used panko, since it is thicker. Italian crumbs do have more flavor but are thinner. You can always add your own extra spices to the crumbs, according to your taste. We had ketchup and some awesome dynamite sauce to dip the nuggets in.

Shout out to Maheen!

What's in it:
-chicken, flour, egg, panko crumbs



  1. dude i was going to make chicken nuggets this weekend, I had a huge craving for them yesterday. i want some.......

  2. this is making me wish i had taken princeton with you guys............

