Monday, July 25, 2011

Nutella Crepes

 Crepes are wonderlous (wonderful + fabulous). They are delimptious (delicious + scrumptious). But most importantly, they are AWESOME. I finally decided to make crepes of my own, but of course it took me a while to experiment to get the right consistency. I, of course, had to make nutella crepes, because that's a staple. You can't have crepes without nutella. That's just...wrong. Anyways, I definitely had this one before making and eating the savoury crepe in the post above this. Who say's you can't have dessert before dinner?

The crepes should come off clean and easily when flipping them. Cooking spray is your friend.

                       They should be almost perfect circles.

What's in it:
-Crepe: flour, butter, salt, eggs, milk, water
-Filling: nutella, powdered sugar


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