Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Bhindi (Fried Okra)

Two posts in one day! W00t!
My mom made me make [alliteration!] dinner tonight. She was cutting up the okra and I wandered into the kitchen, and she put the knife down and said, "aaj tu banao kaana" (you make food today). Umm...okay? Sooo I finished cutting up the rest and made bhindi. Indian food is not an easy task to master. It takes years of constant learning and cooking to get that "homemade motherland taste". I've only been exposed to making Indian food for a couple years now. It's definitely not something I'll master anytime soon, or ever for that matter. However, one thing I can make with confidence is this. Sabzi (vegetables) are the simplest dish to make, I think. They all require the same base and cook without much supervision. My good friend, Umar, can tell you how it's made (did you absorb anything I taught you mister?). Mother said I make "hotel wala bhindi"...I'm not sure what that means...but okay!

What's in it:
-okra, oil, onion, tomato, green chili, lemon juice, salt, black pepper, crushed red pepper, turmeric, red chili powder, cumin (seeds & powder), paprika



  1. hehe can't believe you made bindi =P

  2. Nazia, I know you can make bhindi... but im going to need proof on the other vegetable dishes you claim to be able to cook.

    Also, why no meat dishes? why the hate?
