Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Lemon Bars

Again, I really shouldn't be posting 2 entries in one day. Brain no worky work right now. Anyhow, my intent was to make lemon squares...but they turned into bars. This wasn't entirely bad, and I accidentally came across a lighter alternative to full lemon squares. The recipe I normally have used for the past couple years yields 2 sheets of lemon squares, but I accidentally put it all in one, and realized there wasn't enough room to pour in the filling on top of the crust. Therefore, the crust to filling ratio was 2:1, which created a more crispy surface rather than the normal almost gelatinous texture of a full lemon square. The taste and flavors were still spot on, though. Success.

What's in it:
-crust: flour, butter, powdered sugar
-filling: eggs, sugar, baking powder, salt, flour, lemon juice, lemon extract


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