Monday, July 25, 2011

Parmesan Tomato Crepes

I should have probably posted this before the nutella crepes, so this would show up afterwards. So if you haven't looked at the post below, please do so, then come back. [pause].
[resume] Alright, so I decided to make something savoury after the sweet. I had seen a recipe (thanks, Super), for parm tomatoes, so I thought I'd give that a try. I cut up some roma tomatoes, threw on some olive oil, salt, pepper, and parmesan, and topped that with oregano. While those were baking in the oven, I made the crepes, so everything would be done together. You simply line up the tomatoes inside the crepe and fold over each side. I used some of the juice from the tomatoes to seal the crepe so it wouldn't fall apart. I garnished the entire thing with some dried parsely and, voila! You got yourself an easy and delicious crepe.

 Parsley flakes!


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