Sunday, December 19, 2010

Avocado Grilled Cheese Sandwich

This one goes out to the two people who inspired me to make this blog. It probably should have been the first post, but I just thought of it. Anyhow, I made this lovely sandwich a couple weeks ago thanks to a certain Shahrukh Gaziani. He made me make a grilled cheese sandwich, so I threw some stuff together and voila! Then, I posted it on certain Ali Hashmi's wall. He then got on my case to make him one. I never did...sorry. Then I got to thinking, I'm gonna be bored and doing nothing over break...why not entice these wonderful fellas with photographs of food made by yours truly? Might I add, this sandwich was the motherload of all things grilled cheese. The creamy avocado playfully danced with the melted cheese with a ripened tomato slicing through the menagerie of flavors and textures. All in all, eating it was the best 7 minutes of my life.
Thanks guys! =)

What's in it:
-12-grain bread, american cheese, jack cheese, cheddar cheese, roma tomato, chipotle guacamole        



  1. all credit goes to me.

    i'll be sure to give some to nazia :P

  2. jk

    gotta say, that sandwich still haunts me! loving the blog btw, hopefully all these will be recreated during the semester? with invites for a certain Ali Hashmi and Shahrukh Gaziani?

  3. my mouth is watering so badly right now...

    well minus the avocado, i dunno how well that would fit in with the delicious unhealthy-ness that is grilled cheese

  4. add some tomato basil soup in this mix and I'm there!
