Sunday, December 19, 2010

Chocolate-Cranberry Pancakes

 I woke up to an empty house and decided to drown my sorrows in something delicious. I loooove making pancakes because you can pretty much do anything you want with them. With these I added some dried cranberries and dark chocolate chips to the batter. Then topped it off with maple syrup, powdered sugar , and more cranberries for garnish. I love misshapen pancakes, because that adds character to them. I know, you're probably thinking "WHAT?? Nazia actually LIKES things that aren't straightened out and in order??" Believe it or not, it's true.
To get them to be realll fluffy and thick as shown in the picture to the left, I like to add milk. It binds the pancake together much better. Also, make sure the pan isn't too hot. It should be at max temp when you put the batter on, but immediately, turn the stove down to medium heat. And only flip ONCE. You can ruin pancakes easily by flipping too much. Oh, and NEVER press down on a pancake. You might as well eat a crepe.

1 comment:

  1. those are monsterous pancakes! although i dunno why you chose cranberries instead of strawberries or dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate, but they look delicious nonetheless

