Saturday, December 18, 2010

Almond Biscotti

This is an old picture, but I decided to start this thing off with it. I plan on making 'em real soon anyways. These take a while to make; it's a process, but totally worth it. They don't last long in my house, especially with my dad. He says it's the perfect addition to his cup of chai. I've never made a bad batch, which is AWESOME. I mean, it's pretty difficult to mess up biscotti, not to toot my own horn or anything. But you have to literally forget them in the oven to mess them up. Who does that? If you forget that something in your house is running over 350 degrees F, then you probably shouldn't be able to have a house anyways. Just sayin'.

What's in it:
-flour, sugar, butter, salt, baking powder, eggs, vanilla, chopped almonds


  1. Look at you making a blog all by yourself. you do know that your mission this break is to make me fat?

  2. haha chai was the first thing i thought of when i saw these
